Caribbean History- Nicaragua


    Nicaragua is a beautiful country located in Central America, historically known as the Atlantic coast. Nicaragua is very unique historically, because it is the only country to be colonized by both the Spanish and the British. As stated on VCL "Nicaragua has two histories, a pre Columbian era which the indigenous people migrated from Mexico to Columbia and the modern era where Christopher Columbus invaded." Now you could say this is definitely a revolutionary time where the conquistadors are claiming their land for future generations to come. Speaking of which states " in 1524 Nicaragua was truly colonized by the conquistador Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba who is the founder of Nicaragua, it was left alone for 20 years before he colonized it". So these are really trying times for this region.  As one can suspect it wasn't an easy process colonizing this country, many indigenous people lost their lives due to infectious diseases and starvation. At this time their were Captains coming from all around the world to try and claim this new found land as their own to which the "War of the Captains was coined. Which evidentially enough Christopher Columbus wasn't too excited at the fact of settling down here. Having said that the VCL states "according to these accounts and the understanding of geography, the region was divided between two provinces, the Taguzgalpa and Tologalpa". Which in my opinion isn't a bad deal considering how many people wanted full rights of this country. On another page Nicaragua is a very diverse country the VCL says "Spanish is not the primary language because indigenous people mixed with enslaved people were brought from Africa and Jamaica to work on the fruit plantations". This is very interesting to find out  because it brings a sense of culture and diversity to a country that was once fought over to be ruled by one culture. Speaking of rulers of Nicaragua it gained it's independence in September 15, 1821 by the Spanish even though it's predominantly diverse. Speaking of diversity inserts " the merging of different cultures has caused the dawn of a creative, lively and blissful culture, they are appreciated for their natural warmth, hospitality and wisdom. known full of poets, and folkloric dances". this is a beautiful and enriching experience that they are proud to exhibit for the world to see. I was surprised to learn that they carry on the traditions over different cultures, but it makes me happy that they have conformed to new cultures traditions and including it into their celebrations. 

Works Cited

  • VCL

List of Islands
  1. Bermuda
  2. St. Lucia
  3. Bahamas


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