History and Politics of The Bahamas

 When we think of The Bahamas we think of a laid back society with beautiful beaches, lush islands and exciting tourist opportunities. But now it's time to talk about what's going on in The Bahamas political and historical aspects. As some of you might not know, The Bahamas has a parliamentary Democracy with a Prime Minister as the head of government. This means that it's ruled by a democratic governance, where they have the ability to command the confidence of the legislature and they hold the parliament accountable for all actions and laws in The Bahamas. The Bahamas became a free and sovereign country on July 10, 1973 which has ended 325 years of peaceful British rule. So July 10th will always go down as the Bahamian Independence Day. 

As Wiki states " The Bahamas is an independent country and a member of the Commonwealth of nations. As a former British colony. its political and legal traditions closely follow those of the United Kingdom." This basically states whatever Britain has set in place in their judicial system, the country of The Bahamas follows within those very same guidelines. since its a former British colony Queen Elizabeth || was dubbed Queen of The Bahamas. She had the role of head of the state but that didn't mean she had complete power. The cabinet had executive power over the country. As far as legislative power is concerned, it ventured into two parts of the parliament

. Wiki asserts " The judiciary is independent of the executive and legislature is based on English common law. Overall its dominated by the progressive liberal party and the Free National Movement, which protects freedom of speech, press, worship, movement, and association". A s you can see there are a lot of parties shaping The Bahamas to be the country it is today. If it wasn't for the British influences The Bahamas might not have as much structure as they do now. 

As far as I'm aware The Bahamas has never been traded in for goods and services but they do their fair share of trading and swapping  goods from other nations. Bahamas Balance of Trade explains " They mainly export fuel, boats, beverages, polymers, shellfish, cyclic compounds, paintings. The Bahamas also imports iron, steel, vehicles, and furniture. Their main trading partner is the United States, accounting for around 80% of total trade." If you think about it this makes a lot of sense because the united states has the biggest trading import/export business partnering with countries all around the world for their goods and services.  


-“Politics of the Bahamas.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Jan. 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_the_Bahamas#:~:text=The%20politics%20of%20the%20Bahamas%20takes%20place%20within,traditions%20closely%20follow%20those%20of%20the%20United%20Kingdom.

-“Bahamas Balance of Trade2002-2020 Data: 2021-2023 Forecast: Historical: Chart.” Bahamas Balance of Trade | 2002-2020 Data | 2021-2023 Forecast | Historical | Chart, tradingeconomics.com/bahamas/balance-of-trade#:~:text=The%20Bahamas%20mainly%20exports%20fuel%2C%20boats%2C%20beverages%2C%20polymers%2C,accounting%20for%20around%2080%20percent%20of%20total%20trade.


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